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  • July 25, 2024 // field-resolved infrared spectroscopy
    welcome Dominika, welcome Gabriele!

    The Field-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy Team welcomes Dominika Bondar and Gabriele Politi, who joined us as laser engineers.

    Dominika did her Bachelor studies at the University of Warsaw in Nanostructure Engineering, followed by a …

  • BIRD at Optica Sensing Congress

    The conceptual and technological advancements and findings of the BIRD team have just been put forward for …

  • twice honored

    Not many scientific institutes can boast two Nobel Prize winners at the workplace. The Max Planck Institute of …

  • on the cover of Cell Reports Medicine

    Congratulations to the BIRD team! With the paper “plasma infrared fingerprinting with machine learning enables …

  • Alice im Quantenland: Episode 3 is now online!

    In the brand new third episode of our German language radio play “Alice im Quantenland”, Alice, Schrödinger …

  • a great scientist and mentor has passed away

    Arnold Schmidt, Professor Emeritus at TU Wien and founder of the Photonics Institute, passed away on July 5, …

  • congratulations to Botond Roska!

    The attoworld team would like to congratulate Prof. Botond Roska, director at the Institute of Molecular and …

  • together against lung cancer

    Laser-based research into the early detection of lung cancer is receiving a new boost. A high-ranking …

  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp’s inspiring visit to Attoworld

    Over the last two days, we had the great pleasure of hosting Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp from the Leibniz Institute …

  • Alice im Quantenland 3:The new episode presented live in a double pack!

    We're back again this year. A new episode of Photonlab´s German language radio play "Alice in Quantum Land", …

  • congratulations to Ritika Dagar!

    The attoworld team warmly congratulates Ritika Dagar, who successfully defended her doctoral …

  • congratulations to Matthias Mann and Ruedi Aebersold

    We are thrilled to announce that our esteemed collaborator – Matthias Mann – has, together with his colleague …


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