our research

The levels, chemical modifications, and relative abundance of organic molecules circulating in systemic bioliquids serve as direct indicators of human physiological health. Leveraging broadband optics, ultrafast sources, and precision femtosecond-attosecond field-resolving metrologies of attoworld, …


meet our team

join us

We are always on the look for bright minds that wish to share their passion with us.

If you are a student or a laser scientist, a specialist in molecular sciences, a physician, a nurse, an engineer, or a data analyst – if you share the motivation to devise new approaches for quantifying the molecules of life to improve human health – do get in touch with us!

Dr. Mihaela Žigman
Email: mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de

  • Job Announcement // international medical cooperation manager (m/f/x)

    At the Chair of Experimental Physics – Laser Physics of the Ludwig Maximilian’s Universität (LMU) München, the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Center for Molecular Fingerprinting (CMF) in Hungary, we undertake – in cooperation with clinics in Germany and Hungary – a large-scale inter-disciplinary research effort, Lasers4Life, to evaluate the potential of LMU’s and MPQ’s proprietary electric-field molecular fingerprinting (EMF) technique as a new approach for early detection of different types of cancer and other prevalent non-communicable diseases. Lasers4Life unites latest advances from laser physics and molecular in vitro profiling for the purpose of advancing medical diagnostics.


    We would now like to raise our efforts to an international level and build up a global network – including in particular Asia and North America – which aims to evaluate the potential of molecular fingerprinting as a new approach for population health monitoring and early cancer detection. The leaders of the endeavor are Dr. Mihaela Zigman and Prof. Ferenc Krausz (Nobel Prize in Physics 2023).


    1. The successful candidate will play a central role in initiating, coordinating and managing international medical research collaborations of Attoworld and the Center of Molecular Fingerprinting, primarily with clinical cooperation partners in China and the USA to build an international network. The candidate will also take charge of existing collaborations with administrative tasks, where necessary;
    2. Responsibility for overseeing and implementing all regulatory aspects related to the clinical studies performed within BIRD research, including ethics documentation, data protection, and legal affairs along the GxP standards;
    3. Scientific writing, conceptual design and coordination of: study protocols, funding applications, project summaries and project reports;
    4. Provide background research and scientific review over medically-relevant research topics.

    Required qualifications:

    1. Completed degree - M.Sc. or Ph.D. - either in life sciences or in medicine;
    2. A track record and experience in clinical trials is mandatory, and experience in the field of biological, biomedical or biophysical research fields is of advantage;
    3. Professional experience in project management or research management is desired, ideally within interdisciplinary collaborative research projects with professionals from diverse fields of expertise;
    4. Experience in design and write up of study protocols and clinical study regulatory approvals is required;
    5. Proficiency in image, text and data processing using standard computer programs, including MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, LaTeX and digital literacy are mandatory;
    6. We are seeking for a professional that works efficiently within a team, possesses excellent communication skills and is inherently constructive;
    7. High proficiency in written and spoken communication in German and English is expected;
    8. An ability to work independently and flexibly depending on cooperation partners around the world (mainly China and USA), self-managing time and priorities with excellent organizational skills is expected;
    9. High level of self-initiative, responsibility, flexibility and willingness for long-distance travel are essential assets.

    We offer:

    The place of employment is at the LMU Laser Physics department in Garching. We are easy to reach by public transportation and offer a versatile range of work-packages with good possibilities of further professional development.

    This is a full-time position with the possibility to partly work from home office. The contract is in accordance with the public wage agreement “Tarifvertrag der Länder (TV-L)” and includes social benefits of the public sector “Sozialleistungen im öffentlichen Dienst”. The position is offered for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of extension upon mutual agreement.
    Salary will commensurate with work experience and seniority (100% TV-L up to E14 if the necessary requirements are fullfilled).

    Further benefits at the LMU:

    1. Company pension scheme;
    2. Capital-forming benefits;
    3. Compatibility of family and career;
    4. Possibility to work part-time (in various models);
    5. Mobile working (Flexible working hours);
    6. Childcare support (e.g. offers for vacation and emergency care);
    7. Further education and training program at all career levels;
    8. Participation in symposia and conferences;
    9. Health promotion offers;
    10. Theater and culture: special events, discounts and vouchers;
    11. Mobility: discount on public transport (Job-Tickets), charging stations for electric cars and discountedmembership of Share Now (car sharing).

    Also possible in a part-time capacity.
    People with disabilities who are equally as qualifi ed as other applicants will receive preferential treatment.


    Please send your complete application (CV, certifi cates, list of publications, letter of motivation and tworeferences/reference letters) by e-mail (single pdf fi le not exceeding 10MB) to Dr. Mihaela Zigman and Dr.Frank Fleischmann

    Dr. Mihaela Zigman
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und
    Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
    Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
    85748 Garching
    Phone:+49 89 3 29 05 - 354
    e-mail: mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de


  • Job Announcement // senior clinical project manager (m/f/x)

    At the Chair of Experimental Physics – Laser Physics of the Ludwig Maximilian’s Universität (LMU) München, the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Center for Molecular Fingerprinting(CMF) in Hungary, we undertake a large-scale inter-disciplinary research effort to evaluate the potential ofLMU’s and MPQ’s proprietary electric-field molecular fingerprinting (EMF) technique as a new approach forpopulation health monitoring and preventive medicine.


    Capitalizing on our longitudinal study, the Health for Hungary – Hungary for Health (H4H) Program, we pursue – in cooperation with the Helmholtz Zentrum München, the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, The Bavarian NMR Center, and the Technische Universität München – a large-scale populational longitudinal study with 100 thousand participants fordeveloping a Screening Algorithm for the early detection of major non-communicable diseases (lungcancer, cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory disorders) by means of regular blood tests based on EMF, MS-based proteomics and NMR-based metabolomics. The goal is to establish the cornerstone of future preventive medicine. The leaders of the endeavor are Dr. Mihaela Zigman and Prof. Ferenc Krausz (Nobel Prize in Physics 2023).


    1. The successful candidate will organize and coordinate the cooperation between several groups fromdisparate fi elds and institutions for the preparation, initiation and implementation of a new large-scalemulti-centric clinical study in Bavaria, Germany;
    2. This includes responsibility for establishing the basis for concerted research efforts among theparticipating research groups as well as implementing and overseeing all regulatory aspects related tothe clinical study, including setting up the project, correspondence with the ethics committee andauthorities, data protection, and legal affairs along the GxP standards;
    3. Scientifi c writing, conceptual design and coordination of: study protocols, funding applications, projectsummaries and project reports;
    4. Provide background research and scientifi c review over medically-relevant research topics;
    5. Leadership responsibility for a team in charge of the above tasks.

    Required qualifications:

    1. Completed degree - M.Sc. or Ph.D. - either in life sciences or in medicine;
    2. A track record and experience in clinical trials is mandatory, and experience in the fi eld of biological,biomedical or biophysical research fi elds is of advantage;
    3. Professional experience in project management or research management is mandatory, ideally withininterdisciplinary collaborative research projects with professionals from diverse fi elds of expertise;
    4. Experience in design and write up of study protocols and clinical study regulatory approvals is required;
    5. Profi ciency in image, text and data processing using standard computer programs, including MS Word,PowerPoint, and Excel, LaTeX and digital literacy are mandatory;
    6. We are seeking for a professional that works effi ciently within a team, possesses excellentcommunication skills and is inherently constructive;
    7. High profi ciency in written and spoken communication in German and English is expected;
    8. An ability to work independently and fl exibly, self-managing time and priorities with excellentorganizational skills is expected;
    9. High level of self-initiative, responsibility, fl exibility and willingness for long-distance travel are essentialassets.

    We offer:

    The place of employment is at the LMU Laser Physics department in Garching. We are easy to reach bypublic transportation and offer a versatile range of work-packages with good possibilities of furtherprofessional development.

    This is a full-time position with the possibility to partly work from home offi ce. The contract is inaccordance with the public wage agreement “Tarifvertrag der Länder (TV-L)” and includes social benefi tsof the public sector “Sozialleistungen im öffentlichen Dienst”. The position is offered for two years in thefi rst instance, with the possibility of extension upon mutual agreement.
    Salary will commensurate with work experience and seniority (100% TV-L up to E14 if the necessaryrequirements are fullfi lled)).

    Further benefits at the LMU:

    1. Company pension scheme;
    2. Capital-forming benefits;
    3. Compatibility of family and career;
    4. Possibility to work part-time (in various models);
    5. Mobile working (Flexible working hours);
    6. Childcare support (e.g. offers for vacation and emergency care);
    7. Further education and training program at all career levels;
    8. Participation in symposia and conferences;
    9. Health promotion offers;
    10. Theater and culture: special events, discounts and vouchers;
    11. Mobility: discount on public transport (Job-Tickets), charging stations for electric cars and discountedmembership of Share Now (car sharing).

    Also possible in a part-time capacity.
    People with disabilities who are equally as qualifi ed as other applicants will receive preferential treatment.


    Please send your complete application (CV, certifi cates, list of publications, letter of motivation and tworeferences/reference letters) by e-mail (single pdf fi le not exceeding 10MB) to Dr. Mihaela Zigman and Dr. Frank Fleischmann

    Dr. Mihaela Zigman
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und
    Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
    Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
    85748 Garching
    Phone:+49 89 3 29 05 - 354
    e-mail: mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de


  • Job Announcement // clinical project and cooperation manager

    The Broadband Infrared Diagnostics (BIRD) team - at the Laser Physics at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and part of the Attoworld (www.attoworld.de/bird) - is running a large-scale inter-disciplinary research effort entitled Lasers4Life. The aim of Lasers4Life is to unite latest advances from laser physics and molecular in vitro profiling for the purpose of advancing medical diagnostics.


    The place of employment is at the LMU Laser Physics department in Garching. We are easy to reach by public transportation and offer a versatile range of work-packages with good possibilities of further professional development.
    This is a full-time position with the possibility to partly work from home office. The contract is in accordance with the public wage agreement “Tarifvertrag der Länder (TV-L)” and includes social benefits of the public sector “Sozialleistungen im öffentlichen Dienst”. The position is offered for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of extension upon mutual agreement.

    Required qualifications:

    1. Completed degree - M.Sc. or Ph.D. - either in life sciences or in medical sciences;
    2. A track record and experience in clinical trials is mandatory, and experience in the field of biological, biomedical or biophysical research fields is of advantage;
    3. Professional experience in project management or research management is desired, ideally within interdisciplinary collaborative research projects with professionals from diverse fields of expertise;
    4. Experience in design and write up of study protocols and clinical study regulatory approvals is required;
    5. Proficiency in image, text and data processing using standard computer programs, including MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, LaTeX and digital literacy are mandatory;
    6. We are seeking for a professional that works efficiently within a team, possesses excellent communication skills and is inherently constructive;
    7. High proficiency in written and spoken communication in German and English is expected;
    8. An ability to work independently and flexibly, self-managing time and priorities with excellent organizational skills is expected;
    9. High level of self-initiative, responsibility, flexibility and a pragmatic work attitude are essential assets.


    1. The successful candidate will coordinate and manage established collaborations between the BIRD team at the LMU Laser Physics and local, national and international, clinical cooperation partners. The candidate will provide support and guidance to the existing as well as newly establishing collaborations with administrative tasks, where necessary;
    2. Responsibility for overseeing and implementing all regulatory aspects related to the clinical studies performed within BIRD research, including ethics documentation, data protection, and legal affairs along the GxP standards;
    3. Provide conceptual, administrative and scientific support in writing, design and coordination of: study protocols, funding applications, project summaries and project reports;
    4. Provide background research and scientific review over medically-relevant research topics.

    Deadline for applications:

    Please send a brief cover letter explaining why you are applying to the open position and why do you think to be a relevant candidate. Please enclose your CV and contact information of your referees and send everything to Dr. Mihaela Zigman, Chair of Experimental Physics – Laser Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians Univiersität München, Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching: mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de.

    We prefer applications in digital form (5MB max).

    We anticipate to fill the position as soon as possible, and the applications are evaluated on the ongoing basis until filled.

    For more information on the project, please see:


    Dr. Mihaela Zigman


  • M.Sc. // join the cutting-edge of molecular profiling II

    Are you passionate about advancing medical diagnostics through innovative technologies? The Broadband Infrared Diagnostics (BIRD) group (www.attoworld.de/bird), located at the Chair of Experimental Physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), is at the forefront of combining laser physics with molecular medicine.


    About Us: The BIRD group merges femtosecond laser-based technologies, molecular spectroscopy, and complex organic matter analysis to pioneer new strategies for probing human health and detecting cancer. Our dynamic, interdisciplinary team consists of physicists, physical chemists, data scientists, molecular biologists, and clinical specialists dedicated to applying infrared spectroscopy to molecular medicine and diagnostics.

    Position Overview:
    We are currently seeking skilled and motivated students to join our team. In this role, you will be developing and implementing various sample processing, analytical chromatographic, spectroscopic workflows, and chemical modification of human samples to advance molecular profiling in medical testing. The goal is to integrate liquid chromatography and other sample processing steps with spectroscopic profiling for high-throughput infrared molecular fingerprinting.

    Required qualifications:

    1. BSc background in biotechnology, analytical and organic chemistry, biophysics, or related fields in molecular and life sciences;
    2. Enthusiasm for applying the latest developments in laser physics to advance medical probing for the benefit of human health.
    1. Collaborate with a dynamic inter-disciplinary team to design and implement cutting-edge analytical and pre-analytical workflows combined with infrared spectroscopy;
    2. Contribute to the development of high-throughput molecular profiling techniques;
    3. Utilize your expertise to enhance our joint capabilities to probe human health and detect disease.
    Position Details:
    1. Location: Research Center Garching, Faculty of Physics at LMU, Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching;
    2. Easily accessible by public transport.

    Explore the intersection of biotechnology and cutting-edge laser physics at the department that just received recognition by the Nobel Prize in 2023 to our director – join our team and make a lasting impact on the future of medical diagnostics!

    Learn more about our work:


    Dr. Mihaela Zigman

    Dr. Frank Fleischmann


  • M.Sc. // investigating spectroscopic workflows in human blood analysis

    For master students of Physics, Biophysics, Statistical Physics or related:

    The Broadband Infrared Diagnostics (BIRD) group, at the Chair of Experimental Physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) is combining femtosecond laser-based technologies, and molecular spectroscopy with computational data analyses for developing novel molecular infrared fingerprinting techniques to probe human health.

    BIRD Master

    Dynamic and highly interdisciplinary team of physicists, data scientists, biologists and clinical personnel are working together towards the application of infrared spectroscopy for molecular medicine and diagnostics. In particular, minuscule changes in the molecular makeup left in the blood trail are used to capture and characterize health and disease in human population (www.attoworld.de/bird)

    We have an opening for a master thesis project which will evaluate spectroscopic workflows and a data-science related topic analysing measured spectroscopic data. Our aim is to study the diagnostic capacity of spectroscopic profiling by analysing the infrared molecular fingerprints of human blood plasma. Tasks will focus on analysing how different workflows and deviations from a standardized protocol can lead to variations in the captured spectral measurements. If interested, please do get in touch with us: Dr. Mihaela Zigman (mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de) and Tarek Eissa (tarek.eissa@physik.uni-muenchen.de) and talk to us about the possibility!
    Our group is based at the Research Center in Garching (Forschungszentrum Garching, Section Physics of LMU, Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching), which is easily accessible by public transport.

    Required qualifications:

    1. strong academic record ;
    2. interest in medical applications;
    3. basic knowledge in biophysics/physical chemistry;
    4. basic knowledge in statistics/data analytics

    Dr. Mihaela Zigman
    Tarek Eissa


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