Not many scientific institutes can boast two Nobel Prize winners at the workplace. The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics can count itself among them with the awards in 2005 to Prof. Theodor Hänsch and most recently in 2023 to Prof. Ferenc Krausz. Of course, word of this has long since gotten around in the scientific community. Since today, however, the images of the Nobel Prize medallions on the pylon to the MPQ have finally started to shine, letting passers-by on the Garching research campus know which great achievements and scientific minds are based here. And if you walk a little further along the walk of fame on the Garching research campus, you will find the next Nobel Prize medal at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, which was awarded to Prof. Reinhard Genzel in 2020.


Pictures: Thorsten Naeser