The CLEO Europe conference — the largest conference on photonics and related research fields — is in full swing again. The attoworld-team will be represented by a lot of speakers: Today, Monday, June 21, at 6:30 pm, Dr. Ioachim Pupeza will talk about: Sub-Optical-Cycle Light-Matter Energy Transfer Dynamics in Molecular Vibrational (session CH-2.2). On Tuesday, June 22, at 7.15 pm, Dr. Shubhadeep Biswas presents his research: Probing influence of molecular dynamic polarization in photoemission delays near giant resonance in C60 (session CG-4.4). On Wednesday, June 23, at 11.15 am, Dr. Tatiana Amotchkina talks about: Fabry-Pérot Based Temporal Standard at 8.5 μm for Electro-Optic Delay Tracking (session: CF-9.5). Dr. Ernst Fill will present his poster: Octave-Spanning Mid-Infrared Passive Optical Resonator in the CF-P: CF Poster session, on Wednesday, June 23, between 10 and 11 am. On Wednesday, June 23, at 2:30 pm, Dr. Nathalie Nagl will talk about the generation of a multi-octave-spanning coherent mid-infrared light using a directly diode-pumped femtosecond Cr:ZnS oscillator. The achieved power and bandwidth represent a major increase over previous demonstrations (Session: CF-6, Session title: Ultrafast Mid-IR Sources, Presentation number: CF-6.1). Also on Wednesday, June 23, at 3:30 pm, Christina Hofer talks about: Electro-Optic Sampling with Percent-Level Detection Effciency (session: CF-6.5). On Thursday, June 24, 4:45 pm, Prof. Matthias Kling will hold his keynote presentation: High-field physics in nanostructures (EE-4.2 THU). On Thursday, during the highlighted Post-Deadline session from 7:20 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Dr. Qu speaks about a Cr:ZnS amplifier directly pumped by laser diodes. This first demonstration already provides a gain factor of 4.3, which is comparable to mature fiber-pumped amplifiers. Importantly, it offers substantially better power stability over existing technology and there is plenty of room to scale this new concept further. (Session code: PD-1, Session title: CLEO/Europe Postdeadline session, Presentation number: PD-1.6) On Friday, June 25, at 12 pm, Dr. Alexander Weigl talks about Attosecond-Precision Dual-Oscillator Infrared Field-Resolved Spectroscopy Employing Electro-Optic Delay Tracking. (session: CF-9.5)
our colleagues at the CLEO conference