development of novel multilayer optics

Research group of Dr. Volodymyr Pervak
Ever since their invitation more than two decades ago, dispersive dielectric multilayer mirrors (DMs), have played a pivotal role in the progress of ultrafast science.
Their ability to manipulate phase and spectral amplitude in broad spectral ranges has enabled synthesis of intense few-cycle optical pulses, triggering remarkable advances in nonlinear optics, high-field physics and attosecond science.
Motivated by several frontiers within these fields, we have continued our efforts to advance dispersive broadband multilayers and the techniques for their development and characterization.
As a result, we have succeeded in extending the wavelength range of these advanced optics to 200—15000 nm and achieving record values of group delay dispersion (GDD) of –10000 fs2.

tools, techniques & laboratories
We pursue
1) the development of broadband dispersive optics permitting the shaping of few-cycle waveforms within the wave cycle and their compression to durations shorter than the carrier period (sub-cycle waveforms)
2) the development of broadband multilayer optics exhibiting both high damage threshold and high reflectivity forhigh-repetition-rate (i.e. high average power) and low-repetition-rate (i.e. high pulse energy) laser sources.
3) The further advancement of all-dispersive-mirror compressors for chirped-pulse amplification in Yb:YAG lasers (HRS project)and Ti:Sa laser (ATLAS & PFS projects) as well as large diameter optics (up to 300 mm).
4) The extension of dispersive multilayer optics into new spectral ranges towards the deep (down to 200 nm) and even vacuum UV (< 100 nm) and mid IR (up to 3000 nm) (FRM project). For above-mentioned projects, we use 3 coating plants installed in clean room class ISO4.
Helios, manufactured by Leybold Optics, is equipped with two magnetrons and a plasma source, thus providing plasma/ion-assisted reactive dual magnetron sputtering.
The produced coating films have very dense layers which results in the following advantages:
// extremely shift-free layers
// mechanically and thermally stable layers
// low absorption losses (<1 ppm)
// low scattering losses (<10 ppm)
The system covers the spectral range 200—4500 nm and can coat substrate diameters of up to 100 mm.

see picture

SYRUSpro-710 by Leybold Optics is an e-beam system. It has a novel process control that features maximum automation allowing for high throughput and fast turnover.
Electron-beam evaporation is mainly employed for non-dispersive coatings. Syrus can handle large-scale optics with diameters up to 265 mm. It can be used for the spectral range from 200 nm to 10 µm.

see picture

Navigator by Cutting Edge Coating is ion beam sputtering. In addition to electron beam evaporation and RF magnetron sputtering techniques, we are employing ion beam sputtering for the development of ultradense and low-defect-density dielectric multilayer systems.
This is of utmost importance for improving the reflectivity and resistance against high peakpower and average-power laser radiation which is needed for virtually all source development projects.
It has a novel ion source, which able to produce coating with:
// extremely shift-free layers
// mechanically and thermally stable layers
// low total losses (<5 ppm)
// high damage threshold
The system covers the spectral range 200—4500 nm and can coat substrate diameters of up to 300 mm.